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Progress for People with Disabilities | 2023 Legislative Roundup

"This year we managed to secure more funding for adults with disabilities. We have accomplished a lot in just four years and have taken massive strides forward. We know a lot of work remains and our team is already hard at work preparing for 2024 as long-term solutions (rate reform passed in 2022) are considered. If we continue to work together, we can get it done."

-Tina Spears, CPNRI Executive Director


$75 million of investments for people with disabilities and the people that support them have been finalized. Last week, Governor McKee finalized the investment after it was passed with bipartisan support by the House and Senate.

As we look back on the year, here are some of our favorite pictures from this session:

"Our progress this year was made possible because of community and collaboration. People with disabilities, families, direct care workers, executive directors, managers and more came out to ask for investments. Thank you to everyone who came to the State House, your voices were heard."

-Jenna Husted, CPNRI Program Director



The next legislative session will be a monumental year for this community. The rate reform legislation passed in 2022 will create a potential path towards long-term sustainability for providers. We will need to come together even stronger than previous years to ensure this passes.

It won't be easy, but we can do it together.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

-Hellen Keller


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