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The final push to pass H7180 & S2311

Updated: May 25, 2022

The momentum to pass H7180 and S2311 is gaining. However, the deadline to get these bills passed is quickly approaching. Rhode Island lawmakers will likely wrap up session next month and we need to tell legislators that people of all abilities should have access to care in our state.

Need a reminder of how H7180 & S2311 will help? Watch the two-minute video below:

Here’s how you can help support full, inclusive lives for all:

1) Share our message on social media

We are consistently posting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Your likes, shares and comments means our message is heard loud and clear by all Rhode Islanders and lawmakers.

Have something you would like to see us post? Email

2) Tell your representative that you support H7180 & S2311.

  • If you don’t know your representative, find them by clicking here. Type in your home address, and find your State Representative in your district (not your U.S. Representative).

  • Find their contact information by clicking here.

  • Send them an email saying: 1) You support H7180 & S2311. 2) Why you support this legislation. 3) Thank your Representative for their time and follow up if they email you back.

3) Tell your family and friends.

Tell them why H7180 & S2311 are so important. We need to have a large, unified voice to get this legislation passed. Full, inclusive lives depend on it.

Need help telling them why it matters? The video below will help.

Thank you for your commitment to making people of all abilities a part of our community. Together, we will get this done.

You can read the legislation by clicking here.


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