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This survey is being conducted by the Community Provider Network of Rhode Island. We want to hear your voice and understand your current work experiences. Your answers will provide data to advocate for and shape future work experiences. Please report information for yourself. If a question is unclear, answer to the best of your knowledge. Your responses are anonymous, and the results of this survey will be reported in aggregate.

Questions, comments or suggestions? Contact us.

To better understand the inclusiveness of agencies (inclusiveness defined as: the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized) please rank the following statements: 

Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Sexual Orientation
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Race
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Age
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Nationality
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Disability Status
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Gender
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Marital Status
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Religion
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive
Please rate your organization’s inclusiveness regarding: Veteran Status
Not at all inclusiveA little inclusiveMostly inclusiveInclusiveVery inclusive

Please rate the following statements about your organization:

Racial, ethnic, sexual and gender-based jokes are not tolerated at my organization
The leadership at my organization encourages diversity
Employees at my organization appreciate and respect others whose backgrounds, beliefs and experiences are different from their own
Employees at my organization are aware of and understand the procedures for reporting incidents of discrimination and/or bias in the workplace
My organization takes appropriate action in response to incidents of discrimination and/or bias
There are pathways to career advancements in my organization for those who represent minority populations

Submissions for this form have closed. Thank you to the more than 500 peole who gave us great information. Details soon.

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